Thursday, April 16, 2009

17 Already!

Wow..can't believe I'm 17 years old already!! Wow..time flies.

Well..I was sick so that kinda made it a bummer. We went and toured a college and went shopping..that pretty much summed it up. Gave the horses extra treats and each an apple.

Savvy Out,
Olivia, Cocoa, and Dixie

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Horses are the Cure

Still sick and hoping to get back to normal ASAP. Keeping my fingers crossed.

I let the munchkins out in the yard to eat while I laid in the grass and took a nap. Gotta monitor the buggers...and rest so I can get over my sickness so I got two things done there! Plus it was beautiful out...66 degrees..can't get much better than that! I was wearing a tanktop!!! :) Finally!

I put Cocoa away and took Dixie's out to play with. We first went to the tree stump. She got all four feet up there pretty much on her own. I was having trouble breathing with my sore throat so I just let her figure it out. My throat was so sore for this session that I didn't say anything. I've never realized how much I actually talk in and talk to the horses. It was hard not to say anything but it hurt so I couldn't.

We went out into the pasture and did some traveling circling game at the canter and then some falling leaf. She was perky and having fun! We did quite a bit of change of direction and her draw was SO good! Then we did some backing, sideways, and playing with the barrel. The only obstacle out there...and she jumped it, pawed it, sidewaysed it..everything! What I loved about tonight was due to the fact I was tired and didn't have very much energy I was very patient and slow with asking her. She thought I was being so polite and responded amazingly! Did some mirroring and cantering together. Also she got the highest EVER for rearing on cue tonight! It was pretty spectacular she even threw in a playful paw with it! hehe Then we ventured to the roundpen.

I took off the line right away. We haven't done hardly any liberty lately and not that much at all in general. I did the catching game and then we just did some stick to me. Sideways and driving game. She was so calm and attentive. I sent her and she went the right way! :) Had fun cantering around and then I asked her to come in and she spun on a dime and was right there. :) We did some playing with draw, change of direction, cantering to me. Then we played with the barrels. I pointed at them and she went and jumped them and then I stood on one side and she on the other and jumped it while coming to me. I hardly had to ask. Then I set them back up and she did Figure 8 pattern at liberty. She is usually pretty sassy and takes offense when we do this online but she did it perfect at liberty. Then later I sent her to sniff the barrel and then put a little more pressure on her (a way diff. angle I was at) and she offered to do the pattern again and even trotted it a little ways. Yay! I set the barrels up and she lined herself up for me to get on. I didn't but still just gave her a good scratching. We also did some serpentine's towards me too at liberty! Dixie definitely impressed me tonight! I wish I had been feeling better so we could have done more..but she sure made my day!

My 17th birthday is in 2 days!!!

Savvy Out,
Olivia, Cocoa, and Dixie

Friday, April 10, 2009

Just Chilling

clen pasture

amanda ride with us

more later

Savvy Out,
Olivia, Cocoa, and Dixie

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Took the munchkins for a long walk....

more later

Savvy Out,
Olivia, Cocoa, and Dixie

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Saddle 'Em Up!

Playing...Dixie ah- mazing...


more later

Savvy Out,
Olivia, Cocoa, and Dixie

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Picture Day! Dixie's firsts too!!

Asking for the beginning of the Spanish Walk.
Dixie rearing on cue. Still playing with getting it more subtle. lol
I just love her attent expression. Me and the baby.

She's got some amazing draw..
Yo-yo back up.

Didn't get a pic. of her actually bowing..just the beginning of it this time.

Dixie mauling me with kisses.
Standing up on the baby.

Weee...jumping off!!

Asking her to move over and line up with the barrel so I can get on. She will usually do it all on her own now..I don't even need to ask. :)

Hahaha...she through in a little crow hop right before this photo!!

VERY FIRST JUMP riding!!! She jumps so different than Cocoa. Just catapulted over it!

Look at that TROT! :)

Cocoa pawing the barrel.

Dixie jumping the barrel while being ponied! I said..she likes to overjump by just a little bit! lol

Telling her what a good girl she is.

Playing the circling game with Dix while riding Cocoa.

Asking Dixie to come sideways towards and line up beside us. She adores doing this.

She loves attention.

And to rest her head on us when she's sleepy... :)

Well I had to go out and take some pics. for my next art project. Didn't get what I was really looking for though....the project is your waist down, so main emphasis on the feet...and what you put in there has to like define who you are. So..Horses for me!

Anyways..I got mom out there and she took some pics. for that and some extra pics. They don't go in order...

I saddled Cocoa up cause I was going to do my leg stepping up into the stirrup with Dixie's head right by us so I could get them both in the pastel I'll be doing. Which is pretty ironic cause I hardly ever ride in a saddle but I couldn't think of what else to do.

So after we took some pics. I rode Cocoa around and ponied Dixie with. Then I played with Dixie riding Cocoa and had her jump over the barrels while we were riding. She's been learning how to do that when we go trail riding in the meadow there is a bunch of trees cut but she jumped the little barrel a bunch of times!

Then I jumped from Cocoa to Dixie. Stood on her back..did some backing up..and a bunch of other things with her. We rode around the pasture she was responsing SUPER well. We haven't done much with riding lately. She was turning the best ever and following my leg. Cantered a little bit and she gave a little crow hop it was fun!! :) Then I got her to jump the barrel while I was riding her!! That is a first!! She jumped huge...I wasn't ready for that! :)

Then I hopped off and played with her just on the ground. Did some rearing, cutting, bowing, and the seven games.

Here's a couple of the pics. I'll upload more later!

Savvy Out,
Olivia, Cocoa, and Dixie

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Took Cocoa and Dixie out on the backroad and trails.

More later.

Savvy Out,
Olivia, Cocoa, and Dixie