Saturday, November 8, 2008

Undemanding Time in the Barn

It's been so wet and rainy/sleet weather that I decided to hang out with the ponies in the barn...granted that is was dark out too!

Had Cocoa in her stall and Dixie roaming the barn and eating hay. Groomed them both up then put Dixie online. Just did some friendly with her and some more with touching her muzzle. She's been sassy about that lately.

Her 'kissing' trick is progressing so well! It's so cute! Dixie is fascinated with hats and hair so she got in some good muzzles!

Then we did some 'Put your nose' on it. She was right on with what I was telling her to touch! BINGO! :)

Revamped sideways towards...she forgot it momentarily. Did some backing by tail.

Then I stood on a bucket and we did some sideways towards to mount. She did that wonderfully and I hopped on. Backed up with the space we had in the barn, went over to visit Cocoa in her stall, then went to go eat some hay. Later I had her going sideways along the boat and Cocoa's stall! She's never gone sideways with me riding that was a first!! Gave her a treat and hopped off. I brought Dixie over by Cocoa and was scratching them both..and Cocoa was demanding ALL the attention so Dixie started getting sassy with her...they squabbled a little. Finally I brought Dixie back out, hopped on Cocoa in the barn and did a little with her and then we headed outside and went for a ride down the road in the dark! :) Even cantered along the ditch, ate alittle grass, and then decided it was probably a good idea to head home since it was pitch black and my toes were freezing!

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