Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas and Presents!

Finally opened all of the presents and here are some of the things the horses and I got this year!

- Video Camera (and some accesories) Now I just have to figure out how to work it!
- Horse Slippers
- Ariat winter boots (don't fit and didn't seem to warm - have to send them back)
- Sock liners..(to try and keep my toes from freezing)
- Ariat Half Chaps from Dover (haven't come yet)
- Twilight book! (YAY! Already read the whole series...but just wanted to own it!)
- Clothes

And finally...I knew about this already since they told me right after they ordered it due to a umm complication...

-TICKET to the Parelli Madison Celebration cousin in Oregon's graduation is the same date..and we were supposed to go to that. So I might have to switch which Celebration I go to... :(

Savvy Out,
Olivia, Cocoa, and Dixie

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