Friday, May 22, 2009

Talk about busy..

I was reading my book today while the horses ate in the yard. It was MUY buggy! Ick!

Then Justin wanted me to go four wheeling with him...I couldn't figure out how to drive that thing for the life of me. It's harder than it looks. Clutches are confusing!!

Went to a bonfire and hung out with friends. Slept over and went to B Dubbs. Went swimming in the lake...BRRRR!!

Worked for Aletha. Built her roundpen and stacked hay! FUN!

Fed my horses and that was about it! I get to spend all day tomorrow with the girls before we leave for ND! :)

Savvy Out,
Olivia, Cocoa, and Dixie

1 comment:

Randa said...

Hi Olivia. Yep, figuring out clutches is hard, but after a while you get used to it :-) Sounds like you are in for a fun day with your horses!!