Saturday, February 21, 2009

Patience is a Virtue

I bought the horses another bag of grain today, yikes prices just keep going up around here!

I went out and visited the girls and was in the mood for giving them lots of treat so they were pleased with the handouts. They did have to do some bowing to get them though. Dixie did spectacular with bowing today! She slipped a little bit on the ice under the snow the last time though and almost laid down on accident. Not quite ready for that one! Let's getting bowing down pat first.

I did a little Liberty with her in the corral first and some Friendly. She would come and pay attention then leave but I just waited her moments out. I had her stand on her tractor tire and then we headed out to the field to play. The only obstacle I have out there is a barrel since it isn't really our land. So we played with the barrel, A LOT! She did everything she possibly could of to it! lol Pawed it, scratched on it, lifted it, rolled it, licked it, jumped it, sidewaysed over it....etc.

Dixie had a couple RB moments which I patiently waited out all the while giggling at her silly antics. She's so cute and it's so funny when she gets riled. I helped her use her energy and we ran around for a bit, and tried to advance our rearing on cue a little farther.

Went back to the barrel and had her jump over it at a stand still to me. :) Then we just ambled all over the pasture and did some "I walk sideways and so would she" and then she would walk sideways towards me and then away. She was having fun with that. Finally it was time for church and I had to head it. I had her do one last bow for the treat she had patiently been waiting for.

Savvy Out,
Olivia, Cocoa, and Dixie

1 comment:

Randa said...

That's cool!! Brizzee was sure funny the last time I played with her and she got RB and ran right into a "semi" cone. I couldn't stop laughing at the expression on her face. It is funny!
Savvy On,
~Randa~ & ~Brizzee~