Monday, October 13, 2008

Dixie's Day - PICTURES

So..I finally did get mom to come out to get some footage before my baby is all grown up. I played with Dixie in the front yard for a tish. She had a couple of RB moments but for the most part she just wanted to eat grass. Did some trotting sideways, circling, and driving which was all mediocre.

She then stood proudly on her stump/pedestal. Got both feet up there...she offered!

Finally we went to the weedy pasture and just ran around. She really had her adrenaline up, and got RB for a couple moments. So I ran around with her till she got over that! She then mauled the barrel and then we proceeded to jump the single barrel which she struggled with a little bit tonight. Then went from that to totally blowing me away when she went sideways over the barrel from both directions. She did SO great with that! I would tell her at Phase 1 and 2 pretty much..and I would tell her to go sideways and then have her stop..and then continue over it..she really sensitive to my energy up and downs. Even did sideways over the barrel towards ME!

I had her paw the tree....that was hilarious. She totally understands it.

Finally did some backing by the tail, sideways, backing by hocks, recaps.

Then...dun dun dun! Big thing for the night! I was so thrilled!! :) I got her to go sideways from Zone 4/5 ish going to and away..It's definitely still shaky but she offered it and we'll definitely be playing with that concept. This was the WOW moment!

Went to the roundpen...did a little liberty. Not much to note...she was a little distracted with hunters, gunshots, and Cocoa. Which you can hear all of in the video! haha

Later...I brought her in the barn and groomed her up...or attempted too atleast. It rained earlier in the day when I was at school so I didn't get to take Cocoa out riding cause she was soaked. So Dixie doesn't look quite her best in the pics. and video but oh well.

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