Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Dashing Through the Snow...

..In a one horse open sleigh... lol Now all I need is a sleigh to make that come true! My uncle wanted me to ask for one for Christmas...but I had some other things in mind that came before a sleigh! lol But I do want to teach Cocoa how to pull a sled and pony people around!! :)

I went out and played with the horses for a bit today. I had them out in the pasture with me and Dixie proceeded to lay down beside me again! And then Cocoa saw Dixie rolling so she rolled too...Hmm..hopefully I can take this and use it to teach Dixie how to lay down on cue. We'll see!

We romped around the pasture till I got too tired trying to run in all my snowgear. Then the horses headed down to the big pasture when they figured out the gate was left open. I let them eat out there for a bit and then grabbed their halters and headed down.

First I played with little Miss Dixie. I had her come to me in the pasture and put her halter on and then just let her munch for a bit more. Then we did some traveling circling game in the deep snow! I had her back from Zone 5 with just using my Energy!! And back by her hocks, and tail too. Then we did some circling game and change of direction. She was very spunky and took higher phases with a little snot off attitude. I had her cantering around for a bit and then let her come in. Then we did some serpentines towards me and even some serpentines sideways and towards me. She catches on so quickly. I rested in the snow and she licked my hat and just nuzzled me. She is such a keeper.

I then took her in the roundpen and did a little bit of the Catching Game with her. One lap and she came eagerly trotting right in to me. We played some of the 7 Games at Liberty and I picked up her feet. Then I sat down again and did some playing around with lowering her head. She was so curious, and wanted to paw me then tried to chew on the carrot stick. I wanted to check her teeth so after a little convincing I got a good look at her little chompers. Her adult teeth came in so nicely! But it looks like she's got a few baby ones left. She had so much fun slobbering all over me and grabbing my hat off my head. :) Then she nuzzled my face and tried to give me kisses....wet snowy ones..lol And who taught her that trick!?! lol :)

I let them both out in the yard..and then had them go for a walk with me. We just went down the road aways to say hi to the neighborhood horses, Ace, Vic, and Colby then headed back home.

I wanted to do one last thing with Dixie. I opened up the trailer and practiced some loading. Well..she didn't need much practice. She hopped right in there almost before I asked her too! What a good girl!! It was a little slippery so I was wary...cause it is just wood down in the trailer we don't have mats yet but she was ok.

They got to eat in the yard the rest of the day till we headed into town.

Savvy Out,
Olivia, Cocoa, and Dixie

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