Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Mission Accomplished

Hopped on Cocoa bareback and took her out for a spin! Dixie, much to her dismay, had to stay home for this route. Cocoa and I had a mission to accomplish.

This morning I was wrapping presents and I was painting some of my gifts and I realized I didn't know what the other side of Roxy looked like. I didn't have a pic. of her from that side either so I couldn't finish painting the figurine I had got for Jess till I had some footage. So...that is where Cocoa came in!

Cocoa and I headed over for a visit and to get some shots of Roxy's other side! We headed down the road, walked through the knee deep snow in the ditches (just for the fun of it!), and even continued to jump some of the big snowbanks that were made by the snowplow!! Then we finally made it to the trail to Jess's. The trees were all full of snow, I should have taken a pic. it was so pretty but very wet! Even though I tried to duck (did a lot of that) we still managed to bump the branches and then all the snow came tumbling down on us. Luckily I dressed for the occasion this time and had snowpants on...even though they are slippery and a challenge to ride in. I've mastered riding Cocoa in waders while she is wet down at the river so snowpants aren't all that bad! We finally made it out of the trees and then took a little detour to canter around the field and weave through some trees then I had her gallop up the hill to Jess's.

Cocoa was so excited since she hadn't seen Hank and Roxy in awhile. She greeted them and made herself look all big and Araby. :) Then proceeded to be sassy and bellow out little squeals at them. Roxy was thrilled to see her and was trotting all over the pasture! We all said hi, I took some pics. of the very photogenic horses, and then hopped back on Cocoa to head back home.

Roxy girl!

We cantered down the trail from their house and then cantered all around the field behind their house! Cocoa wanted to go faster so I let her but then my little Arab got a wee bit RB so we had to tone in down a tish. I had her do some circles which she proceeded to do wonderfully. So we did some from the other direction and when she had simmered down we cantered around the rest of the field at a nice slow paced canter. Then the rest of the way we just walked home to cool her out and stopped for an occasional snipit of dried grass. Fun little outing! It wasn't too incredibly cold but my eyes were tearing up from anything more than a walk because of the cold air!

Savvy Out,
Olivia, Cocoa, and Dixie

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