Friday, January 2, 2009

Dixie's Playday

Dixie and I went down to the roundpen today after I had let her and Cocoa eat in the yard for awhile. Cocoa followed us down to the backyard and proceeded to dig for grass there. I first let Dixie offline...I didn't have the string across the gate tied tight..and I went up to the barn to grab some stuff. So I come down and she is back out eating with Cocoa. She came walking right up to me as if to say 'Sorry, but I couldn't resist!' So I brought her back and we did a little playing with the Catching Game. She was having a blast just cantering in circles through the deep snow in the roundpen. She came in right away and we did a little Stick2Me then. Then I kept her at Liberty and practiced getting our Yo-yo at really low phases. All I would have to do is straighten up and she would perk up and slowly start to back..that's how sensitive this girly can be. Then I would send her out...We haven't played much with the Circling Game at Liberty so everytime she asked to come in I pretty much let her. So we got good practice on sends then too! She is definitely a little LB snot. She would toss her head and sass off on the way out for fun so our sends got snappy...she wanted to play Tag Me. It was hilarious. She did great with phases for speeding up, all I have to do is point and she goes to the next gait. As far as stopping and slowing down we are still playing with that online getting her to understand that the carrot stick in front means slow down.

We did some change of direction at Liberty too!! Then sideways towards, back by tail, pick up feet, sideways beside with me, etc.

Then I put her online and had her go sideways over the barrels and jump over them too. She is so cute she way overjumps. Can't wait to try and ride that! She gets to it and pretty much stops and then catapults herself UP and very over! lol

My brother came down and said hi so I hopped on Dixie from the barrels. She did some ah-mazing lateral flexion and then we walked and trotted around the roundpen with just the Savvy String and me flipping it over her head! Then we headed out the gate and trotted super fast to go find Cocoa. Hopped off and she got to eat in the yard, that was our day.

Savvy Out,
Olivia, Cocoa, and Dixie

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